
Top 5 RFP Software: Which to Use?

September 13, 2024
Gaurav Nemade

This blog compares the top five RFP software solutions, outlining their features, pros, and cons.


Top 5 RFP Software: Which to Use?

Sep 13, 2024

Top 5 RFP Software: Which to Use?

Is your company involved in answering requests for proposals? You know how that can be frustratingly time-consuming and generally complicated. Fortunately, there is a lot of software created to make RFP management easier and more effective. We'll run through the top 5 available options for dealing with RFPs and look into which one will fulfill your needs.

What is RFP software?

Let's dive into a little background information before getting right into the details of what RFP software is and why it is useful. RFP software will make it easier for companies in the creation, response, and tracking of RFPs. Such tools will spare time, enhance accuracy, and increase win rates by making the workflow smooth and the flow of information centralized.

How to Choose the Right RFP Software for You?

Selecting the right RFP software can be a game-changer for an organization; it needs time and consideration. One needs to understand exactly what one needs and which features will help support objectives best. The following is a detailed guide on what factors one needs to consider when trying to choose the ideal RFP software that meets business needs:

1. Identify Your Primary Use Case

Start by determining how your company uses RFPs. Are you soliciting RFPs from vendors or responding to client RFPs? Most software is geared toward one or the other of these two tasks. Knowing what your need is will go a long way in allowing you to cross off some of the options.

2. Assess Company Size and RFP Volume

The volume of your operations determines the nature of the software you need, whether a feature-rich one to manage a complex workflow through automation or a lot of document management for large organizations that get a lot of RFPs, whereas smaller businesses may desire a very simple or cost-effective solution to meet their very minimum needs without overloading them with irrelevant features.

3. Look for Integration Capabilities

If your organization uses any other tools, such as CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce) or project management software (e.g., Asana, Trello), it is very important to have the RFP software you use integrate with such systems. This will ensure that there is good information flow and therefore minimum manual entry. Have a look at its ability to work in harmony with your currently used applications and tools so as not to later experience problems with integration.

4. Cost to Consider

Budgets are always an issue, but how you spend it would depend on what you prioritize. If you really need the advanced features say automation or the content library or AI then you should invest in a premium solution. If the cost is the factor, then invest your money in software that can provide the basic tools that your team needs to get their job done rather than bells and whistles like detailed analytics or top-notch customer support.

5. Ease of Use: Assess

Assuming the team that will be using this kind of software are not so tech-savvy, ease of use becomes critical. Systems with intuitive interfaces and clear navigation offer the ability to save on training time and ensure easier adoption. Look out for software vendors that allow you to try their systems by offering a trial or demo version. You can assess the ease with which you are able to onboard your team.

6. Focus on Collaboration Features

This is where powerful collaboration tools matter, as several team members could be involved in the RFP process. The features of shared workspaces, document commenting, real-time editing, and task assignment will go a long way in simplifying teamwork and increasing productivity. Consider software with inbuilt collaboration features that suit your workflow.

7. Pay Attention to Content Management Capabilities

For teams that frequently reuse the content for various RFPs, a strong content management system becomes quite important. A functionality that will allow the creation and organization of the content library with intelligent search to quickly find relevant information is expected from the software. This helps save hours and also ensures consistency in responses.

8. Consider Analytics and Reporting Tools

If you want to track performance or any valuable insight about your RFP activities, you may want to look to get software that can actually give you advanced analytics. Such tools will come in handy in measuring response times, win rates, and some other key metrics, enabling a team to get better over time. The extended reporting capabilities will let you understand the trends better and make more informed decisions.

9. Consider Customer Support and Training

If your team is new to RFP software, reliable customer support is key. Watch out for those vendors that will offer live support, extensive documentation, and training resources to make all the difference in a seamless transition and quick resolution of problems. Some vendors even offer onboarding services for the very same reason-to get your team up to speed. With due consideration to these few factors, you then select the appropriate RFP software that best meets the demands and operations of your organization and also suits your budget.

Top 5 RFP Software Options

1. Inventive.AI

Key features: 

Next-Generation AI Content Generation: Advanced generative AI to generate quality, and contextually relevant content for RFP responses.

Intelligent Content Library Management: Your content is automatically updated and organized in concert with usage patterns, so the most relevant information is always at your fingertips.

AI-powered: Smart suggestions and completions make completing RFPs much quicker, and full of accuracy. Real-time collaboration tools enable teams to work together in harmony on responses via live editing, commenting, and instant feedback.

Configuration workflow: Highly customizable workflows to meet the needs of various industries or unique RFP processes.

Deep Analytics and Insights: It provides key performance metrics for every response that allows actionable insights to make further improvements in future submissions.


Cutting-Edge AI Technology: The generative AI utilized at Inventive.AI is a quantum leap in efficiency and quality.

Time Savings: It cuts down a lot of time when creating highly qualified RFP responses on the platform by leveraging GenAI.

Industry Ready: AI self-learns and improves in such a manner that it fits any industry or document type.


Some Initial Setup Required: To take full advantage of the advanced AI capabilities on this platform, some upfront setup and training may be required. 

Best For:

Inventive.AI is best for organizations looking to leverage artificial intelligence to evolve the RFP response process. This will be true, especially for those companies that receive large volumes of highly complex RFPs or need speed and quality responses. 

Compared to others is the least complex and much easier to use. Companies can begin to utilize its powerful tools right from the beginning without any additional training.

2. formerly RFPIO

Key Features:

Content Library with Version Control: Allows storage and management of all your content in one place, including keeping track of changes in versions.

Project Management Tools: Inbuilt project management functionality accelerates the process in case of RFP response management.

Ecosystem: Integrations with popular business tools ensure seamless productivity and efficiency with tools like Salesforce, Slack, and Microsoft Office. 


User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design makes it rather easy for the user to navigate through and apply all its functionalities.

AI Capabilities: The AI-powered engine is immensely capable, of suggesting relevant answers that could bring down the response time significantly. 


Small Glitches: There are small technical glitches reported by many users in the reviews. Due to the glitches the workflow can be unreliable sometimes.

Limited customization: Some of the features are not flexible and thus may be an issue for very specific business needs. Still has a lot of catching up to do with the newer generation of AI Platforms. 

Who it is best for: best fits companies that have to go through many RFPs and need to introduce AI into their workflow to gain some efficiency. Generally speaking, this will be more helpful for those companies operating on large volumes, where speed and accuracy remain highly critical.

3. Loopio

Key Features:

Workflow Automation: Automates the routine tasks of workflow responsibilities, like the assignment and tracking of such progress, while freeing up one's time to invest in strategic work. 

CRM and Cloud Storage Integrations: Integrations with other platforms such as Salesforce or Google Drive make sure that all your data is available all the time.

Reporting and Analytics: You shall get deep insights into how every team works and what works for responses to improve your RFP submissions in the future. 


Ease of Use: Setup is easily done, and the platform is easy to navigate even for those who are new with technology.

Strong Customer Support: Many have reported that Loopio's customer support team is responsive and very helpful.


Smaller Scale Customization: While intuitive and user-friendly, the platform does lack some advanced customization options that might be required for more complex or highly unique RFP needs. 

Variable Load Times: A few users reported slower performance when dealing with very large projects or content libraries. 

Who It's Best For:

Loopio will be best suited to small to medium-sized businesses, whose requirement may not be as big as many large organizations. Comparing to other solutions Loopio is better to work with smaller data sets than particularly large ones.

4. Proposify 

Key Features:

Content Library: Store high-use content within the library and manage it for easy access in pulling relevant information into each new RFP.

Collaboration Tools: Strong collaboration with comments, notifications, and real-time editing of documents.


User-Friendly: The interface is intuitive; hence, one can customize and design documents with ease without an extended design/writing skills.

Cost Effective: Competitive pricing makes Proposify very cost-effective, especially for smaller companies. The prices range starts from $35/month to all the way $65/month for business users.


Not Fully Focused on RFPs: Proposify focuses only partially on RFP responses and generally covers proposals.

Limited Integrations: Proposify doesn't have nearly as many integrations as some of its competitors. This is a disadvantage for companies that depend on very specialized tools.

Who It's Best For:

Proposify is a good fit for smaller to mid-sized businesses that need a solution for proposals with heavy designs and presentation focus. May take additional training for teams to learn the platform.

5. Qvidian

Key Features:

SME Association: It pairs the content blocks with named SMEs. On that basis, one can entrust the task of updating and adapting new blocks to the most knowledgeable members.

Advanced Integrations: Integrates with tools like Salesforce, Slack, and Microsoft Word, enabling fast document design and boosting productivity.

Workflow Automation: Advanced automation that can be tailored according to the organizational workflow that best fits and hence enhances the whole RFP response process.


Centralized System and In-depth: Qvidian's platform is designed to streamline the whole RFP process, right from content management to submission.

Customization Options: It can be tailored to the specific needs of users.


More Difficult Learning Curve: Advanced features mean that some users will require more time and training to take full advantage of the platform.

Costlier: Qvidian tends to fall on the higher side of the price spectrum, which can be an issue for smaller and medium businesses too.

Who It's Best For:

Qvidian applies best to large organizations with complex RFP processes. It may demand high levels of customization and integration. May also require additional resource allocation to begin with as compared to other solutions.

Make Your Choice

Make a list of the must-have and nice-to-have features; go through each of these options against this list. Most of the RFP software providers will have free trials or demos you can use to get hands-on experience with the platforms you are considering.

Keep in mind that the perfect RFP software for you will be the one serving your particular needs, workflows, and budget. After all, don't fall for fancy features you will never use; zero in on tools that will help drive real efficiency and effectiveness into your RFP process.

Implements of Your Chosen RFP Software

  1. After selecting an RFP software that is the best fit for you, plan for its implementation.
  2. Schedule training with your team to get to a place where everybody understands how to use the new software.
  3. Carefully migrate existing content and data into the new system.
  4. Begin testing the waters by starting a small project before fully transitioning all of your RFP work to the new system.
  5. Gather feedback from your team regularly and be prepared to adjust accordingly.
  6. Keep in touch with the customer support team from the software provider so that the issues are resolved quickly and on time. Also, one should be updated on the introduction of new features or product updates.


Choosing the right RFP software can exponentially enhance the effectiveness and win rate of handling RFPs for any organization. Whether it's an all-in-one solution like RFP360, AI-infused software such as RFPIO, a user-friendly solution like Loopio, or a more versatile platform like Inventive. It is important to find what aligns with your capabilities.

Remember, the RFP software is supposed to make your life easy, not hard. Take time to consider options and never hesitate to question vendors. With the right RFP software in place, you'll take on even the most complex RFPs confidently and efficiently.

Experience the Future of RFX Response with Inventive.AI

AI-Powered Efficiency: With most of the competing tools that stop at suggesting answers, Inventive's GenAI technology will go the extra mile to generate sections of your response in a brand tone, while ensuring the accuracy and relevance of your answer.

Adaptive Learning: In areas where traditional RFP software falls behind, Inventive learns from every interaction, thereby making its suggestions better over time to be more aligned with what your unique needs are. Fully leveraging the AI technology at every level of the RFP process.

Time Savings: Inventive can cut RFP response time by as much as 70%.

Improvement in Quality: The AI assures improvement in the quality of your responses with suggested relevant and updated content and catching inconsistencies.

Future-Proof: Since AI technology will further evolve, so will Inventive; therefore, our RFP process is going to be future-proof.

Ready to transform your RFX response process? Here's what you can do:

Schedule a Demo: Go to our website and schedule a demo, that will be tailored according to your needs. Get to know how the platform can be aligned to your specific RFP needs.

Start a Free Trial: Get the power of GenAI in your RFP process with a free trial. Test Inventive with your actual RFPs and see the difference for yourself.

Introduce your business to the future of RFX responses: Make the change and transform the way your organization works with complex business documents. Take a visit to today and begin your journey toward faster, smarter, and more effective RFP management.

@Inventive is an AI-powered RFP & questionnaire response platform that drives 70%+ efficiency in sales workflows. Congrats to the Inventive team for their $4Mn seed

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